Business Growth and Profit

Jun 21, 2022

Reghan Brandt and Troy discuss Business Growth & Profits on The Insurance Chatter podcast.
It all boils down to the advisor using the new tools available to meet the customer on their terms. Not ours!
In this clip from the podcast, Troy explains "this is the greatest time to be in our business!"
If you put the customer first... not the money and not the commission..... the revenue will come.
To build a larger, bigger, stronger opportunity... we must keep our chair full like the dentist.
We must learn more about tech.
We must learn more about customer experience.
We must keep our eye on the right focus and put the customer first on everything we do.
Then we must raise our standards and see more customers to make sure we have the revenue to support our business for growth & profit.

#BusinessGrowth #BusinessProfit


50% Complete

Two Step

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