Marketing Automation and Lead Management

Dec 19, 2019

Possessing over three decades of experience in the insurance industry, Troy Korsgaden is an accomplished entrepreneur and author. The founder of Korsgaden International, a consulting firm which provides advice and training to insurance agents, Troy Korsgaden has written books and articles on building small insurance businesses. In his article, “How Technology Enhances Our Ability to Execute Basic Marketing Strategies,” he discusses methods to help agencies grow.

In today’s competitive market, one of an agency’s top strategies should be to effectively transform a lead into a high-potential prospect. The process, which is known as lead creation, begins with finding lists of people who are members of professional organizations. After collecting the lead’s information, the agency must follow up by calling them and setting up an appointment to meet.

Marketing automation can help to improve the efficiency of this process. One of the greatest benefits of technology is that it allows an agency to consistently reach out to leads and gauge interest based on the level of a lead’s response.

By using automation to determine which leads have an interest and at what level, an agency can more effectively allocate the resources of its marketing team. Representatives can quickly follow up with those leads who have demonstrated the most interest while filing away the information of the less-interested leads to re-engage at a later date.


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