These Are The Times We Should Be Ramping Up

Sep 19, 2022

If you’re in a leadership position, your personal involvement is imperative to the growth and advancement of your team. Remember, your team is only as strong as its weakest link. Do not allow yourself to fall into a “status quo” mentality. I’ve seen too many great leaders get faked out by becoming too accustomed to their routines. When things are going good, or even great, it’s not the time to sit back and enjoy the wave. These are the times you should be ramping up, re- tooling, and preparing for the next season. Your team depends on your guidance and your ability to navigate them during the good, the bad, and the absolute worst!

#Leadership #BusinessPlanning #LearningAndDevelopment #KorsgadenLearningAndPerformance #KorsgadenCarrierConsulting #DiscussionPartnerStudyGroups

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