When I first started my career as an agency owner back in 1983, I was young and eager, but didn’t have a lot of industry knowledge. Fresh out of career school, I was fortunate to have had a District Manager who took me under his wing. He was a mentor, a friend, a coach, a cheerleader, and, when needed, an authoritarian. I can say, without...
In everything you do give it your all, both personally and as a team. As a Carrier, Broker, agency, or firm... Stand up new capabilities and continuously improve existing capabilities. Today, Troy talks about standing up and improving Lead Capabilities. Go out on a limb, because that is where all the fruit is. It might feel clunky at first when...
Possessing over three decades of experience in the insurance industry, Troy Korsgaden is an accomplished entrepreneur and author. The founder of Korsgaden International, a consulting firm which provides advice and training to insurance agents, Troy Korsgaden has written books and articles on building small insurance businesses. In his article,...
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