Industry Insights

Learn from leading voices in the insurance sector – and beyond.

Quote Through Presentations

Jun 28, 2022

Stand up new capabilities to expand your business and grow profits. Do not stop what is working. You have the capacity to "stand up new capabilities". High volume quoting works to grow a business. However, standing up a presentation and solution mindset will catapult your business to a whole new level. You will actually quote more when you move to ...

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Position Yourself To Win By Showing Up

Jun 23, 2022

Position yourself to win by showing up under the right conditions.
The right conditions are:

  1. Your customers and prospective customers know exactly why they are meeting with you.
  2. Your customers and prospective customers need & desire the Service/Advice/Product Solutions you have to offer.

Of course there might be other factors to consider. Sta...

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Block Time For Mentoring and Coaching Your Team

Jun 22, 2022

Do you take time to help your team meet their individual goals and not just current promotions?
There are strategic benefits for executives and field leaders to constantly assess their teams.
Determine which team members would benefit most from 1-on-1 mentoring and coaching.
Determine which team members would benefit more from group coaching.
Next step...

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Business Growth and Profit

Jun 21, 2022

Reghan Brandt and Troy discuss Business Growth & Profits on The Insurance Chatter podcast.
It all boils down to the advisor using the new tools available to meet the customer on their terms. Not ours!
In this clip from the podcast, Troy explains "this is the greatest time to be in our business!"
If you put the customer first... not the money and not t...

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FINSECA Multiline Corner Article

Jun 20, 2022

FINSECA just released its latest magazine issue. Troy's Multiline Corner was included. This month's subject is on time management. This topic is always at everyone's "top of the priority list" for personal and business improvement.

#NeverStopLearning #PersonalDevelopment #BusinessDevelopment #KorsgadenLearningAndDevelopment #InflectionPoint #Dis...

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Effective Leaders Have Meaningful Priorities.

Jun 15, 2022

In my experience, it's essential to always be learning and growing. In past roles, I've managed key priorities and projects that affected thousands of people. It wasn't the money I made that benefitted me the most- it was the wisdom I gained.

Having priorities is paramount to being an effective leader. Make sure you define yours, and become a gr...

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High-Performance Teams

Jun 09, 2022

Get the most out of your payroll. People are the most underutilized asset in most businesses. Recruiting and onboarding the right people will improve your profitability. There are 3 steps in building a high-performance team:

  1.  Power Recruiting
  2. Intense Selection
  3. High-Impact Training

#Recruiting #TeamBuilding #KorsgadenCarrierConsulting #Kors...

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Discussion Partners Are Bigger and Better

Jun 07, 2022

Discussion Partners sell more: more volume, more premium…more everything. Why? They’re selling what the customer needs. Their retention is also better. Instead of merely thinking of one line of coverage, think about the customer. How do they buy? They buy from people they know and trust. While you do have transactional people in the industry, you...

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Looking For Write-Ons

Jun 06, 2022

In this virtual talk, Troy speaks about the need to make a profit in business. Every person that receives a check in the organization must be a profit center. If you are not a profit center, you are an expense (a cost center). As business owners we often get asked to make donations. We give a lot! However, we don't do it for write-offs. We do it be...

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